Friday, October 15, 2010

Things are about to get real.

So, in keeping with my theme of a year of change I am embarking on another adventure.  I'm not going to lie, it may get dicey.  I figure most things in my life are decidedly uprooted and evolving so why not add something else to the mix?

I have been feeling lately like my body has  I can't put my finger on it.  I gained 5 pounds, I mean I can put my finger on THAT.  I can probably pinch an inch of that!  However, when I look back to a year ago I was this weight, and I was happy and felt like I looked good.  I have only really been that 5 pounds lighter in times of stress- when my grandfather passed, calling off my wedding-- you know really good times.
So, in reality five pounds less should equal bad.  This five pounds should mean good.  In reality I'm probably the only one who notices it, but I notice it.  It's obnoxious.

But, I am not talking about it to be all 'wah, wahhh I'm fat'. No no no.  I'm more concerned with my preoccupation with it.
So, I've been going crazy at the gym, trying to eat 'right' and my body is like 'Hey, Al I LOVE this five pounds.  I love it so much I will fight you for it.'
This is when I saw my old high school friend *Elizabeth post on Facebook that she was going to be hosting a conference call talking about what she does and what it could do for me...when I say 'me' I mean, 'me' as we are ALL 'me' on 'you'.  What can she do for 'YOU'...'ME' know what I'm sayin'?  Good.  Me either.
Anyways, I listened in on this call and realized it is exactly what I need right now.
In an effort not to get all earthy crunchy cum-bah-ya on you the premise is basically eating 'whole foods', no processed stuff, limiting sugars, being mindful of eating, self aware, self caring and doing things for my body that feed it emotionally, physically and nutritionally.
This should be interesting.  Not because I eat lots of chips and packaged foods..but, there is a cleanse involved. This will involve cutting out sugar, gluten, dairy, and a few other things I forget for 7 days.
I figured, I'm already definitely decaf...why not be definitely sugar free/gluten free/ dairy free for a few days.
The sugar scares me.  I have a sweet tooth like you read about.  If you haven't read about it..see below.  Yeah.  You just did.
I start the first 'goal' tomorrow.  Eating a whole food breakfast.
I suddenly had the urge tonight to rebel.  I was getting things ready to make this fabulous 'dessert pizza' for a party tomorrow...this involved me toasting coconut, and opening packages of chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and white chocolate chips.  Before I knew it...All of the above were atop a lovely bowl of frozen yogurt.
When Definitely Decaf starts to sound 'Definitely Angry'...then you will know that sugar is out.

If you are interested in learning more about fabulous Elizabeth--who is in fact fabulous even if she wears devil horns as she takes sugar away from me, PLEASE check her out here .
I will probably post a bit about this process, and Elizabeth is NOT paying me to write about it..just an FYI.  She is the real deal.  Always has been!

1 comment:

  1. Also, did I mention NOW would be a great time to 'follow' me if you aren't already! Oh...I didn't? Well, NOW would be a GREAT time to follow me!
    What does this mean for you? Not much really, you don't get e-mails or anything like that--I don't even think it alerts you when I post..which is kinda silly. But, you get to have your name (real or fake) in the little box to the left with your picture (real or fake)!
    When I am sitting on Oprah and Ellen talking about my new book deal...don't be someone who says 'oh, yeah I always read her, man, I didn't follow it'. Be someone who says--Please..I knew her back when she had 48 followers. I signed on and was in before she hit 100 followers.
    Then you can sound like those people who feel empowered because they know some obscure band you don't know! ;-)
