Monday, October 18, 2010

It all started with the best of intentions.

Today I decided I could not sit in the house and work on things I needed to get done.  I needed a change of scenery.  I also needed some coffee and free Wifi.  Clearly, Starbucks sounded like a great fit.
When I walked in I was immediately struck that I was not the only person without a day job as almost every table was taken up, and every outlet to plug my computer in was taken as well... Small snag.  I knew people would have to clear out soon though.  I took the last table, got my coffee and started reading.
I'm easily distracted.  I've been known to start 5 projects at once and I am no stranger to people watching, awkward staring, or zoning out on a wall.
When a mom with her adorable 7 month old (yes, I asked) and 4 year old pulled up next to me I knew I had to keep my eyes open for another table..and an outlet.  And the baby starts crying.
Eventually I see my opportunity and settle in to a corner.  I look up and said mother is now breast feeding.  I'm not judging.  I'm just saying.
There is a heated discussion in another language going on to my left.  This doesn't bother me as much because I don't know what they are talking about so I can't think of my opinion.  I start to concentrate.
Then I decide to text.
Then I notice the man behind me is singing in a foreign language snapping his fingers.  I figured this would go on for a couple of minutes and then stop.  It didn't.  It hasn't.  He actually pulled out a PITCH PIPE and used it--you know, the little round horn type things you blow into to make sure you are on key.  Yeah.  He wants to make sure he is on key while singing in the middle of Starbucks.  For real.
Did I mention the snapping?
Oh, and I just turned around, he is now standing up playing a drum beat on the table, shaking his hips and tapping his leg.  Clearly my only options are to join in or leave...Decisions, decisions..


  1. Any Panara Bread restaurants around? I found these to be the best places to get things done with coffee and free wifi...

  2. That is the next place to try...Thanks Dave!
