Monday, December 20, 2010

'tis the season to lose your temper! Fa la la la laaaa la la la..oops!

You may not know that I can go into a space on my blog and look at my 'stats'.  It tells me about how many people read my blog every day, week, month etc.  It also tells me what countries people read me in--I am a HIT in Russia and Canada by the by.  Lastly, it tells me what my most popular blogs are.
Before this week it was 'A not so pregnant pause' .  I am pretty sure this is largely due to the title.  Less to do with my being a LOT LESS; mostly because I was not and am not; and more to do with a really unfortunate photograph.  See the blog after to see the way the photo should look by the way...just to clear up what my stomach really looks like.
However, this week to my surprise I had a HUGE number of hits to another post.  So huge that it was the most viewed ever, and the most viewed ever in a week.  It was Losing my temper and finding my inner handy woman .
I was shocked to see this drastic jump and immediately wondered what people were searching on google so much that took them to my sight.  Looking at the search words is always a trip.  However, this week before Christmas apparently people are angry.  The phrase that drove so many people to my sight specifically:  'Sorry about losing my temper my bad'.
With family and friend festivities upon us, Christmas shopping and all the stress that it brings of course people are losing their tempers.
What makes me lose my temper this time of year?  Christmas shopping.  Every year it happens, I end up in the mall wondering why I am carrying my coat-I should have left it in the car, dodging people who forget to look where they are going because they are wandering aimlessly looking up at the ceiling like baby Jesus himself is going to tell them what to buy for their loved ones because the have no clue, and coming close to a full blown panic attack because everyone likes to stand SUPER close to you during holiday shopping.  Why is that?  Everyone wants to stand inside your pants with you in line for the register breathing their hot breath on you.  Do they think that the closer we stand the faster we get to the register?  Does the love involved in the Christmas season negate the need for personal space?
At any rate hopefully some angry people had a good laugh and calmed down after reading my blog...and if not might I suggest therapy?  Your welcome.
Also, don't worry I have not forgotten about text tone.  Incase you were worried...I understand.  I am always worried.

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