Friday, December 10, 2010

Sir..I think you left the house without your holiday spirit.

After realizing it cost me as much to park and take the T into downtown crossing to my hairdresser as it does to drive and park, I drove in today to save some time.  Long story short I was in danger of running late and I went down the wrong one way and before I knew it I was parking in a lot I had never seen before.
I pulled into a space and was going to go ask the attendant where he wanted me to go.  He was one step ahead of me.  He was already filled with aggravation.  I looked like a robber with his ski mask on, which made me super comfortable to give him my keys and leave my car there...but, that is another story.
So, he starts yelling something that I cannot lip read through his ski mask, but I can tell he is yelling by the force and rate of which the breath is coming out of his mouth--because it is THAT cold out today.  He is motioning for me to pull into a different space.  He has a similar aggravation that traffic detail cops get when they are motioning you to go, and you aren't accelerating fast enough for them.  There is a no win situation.  They start wildly waving you to go when you are clearly coming towards them, but if you go any faster then they act like you are out to run them over and they give you the 'woa, woa!!  Slow down' hands and dirty look.
This attendant should be a traffic detail cop.  He has the moves down.
So, I approach him and he says I have to leave a $20 deposit.  Are my keys and my car not enough now??  Now, I'm miffed.
I give him a 20 and he says 'Two more dollars'.
Me:  'Two more dollars??'
Mr. Charming Pants:  'Can YOU READ the SIGN??'
Me (now seeing the sign he is pointing to):  'Yes, THANK you.  I CAN see the sign.  Aren't I lucky.  However, I did NOT see it until just now. Thank GOD you so nicely pointed it out. If you like I can get back in  my car, take my money and my business to one of the other ten parking garages or lots on the block. I can totally do that for you.'

Now, I'm not totally clueless.  I bet this guy has rude people all day long who don't respect him, and he was freezing his ass off.  I totally respect that his job yesterday probably totally sucked his lips were frozen together making it impossible for him to smile under his ski mask,  and he was thinking about going home putting on sweat pants and seeing his girlfriend/wife/kids/cat...whatever.
However, I wasn't planning to be one of those rude people.  I could have been the friendliest person he met all day, but he didn't give me that chance.  Nope.  He made me pull my bitch pants out of my trunk and put them on over my nice pants--they are roomie.

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