Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Making Magic with the Bullet

I have to admit, after dating someone who was a chef for so long..I was afraid I didn't know how to cook anymore.  Truth be told, I really haven't had to much for the past 2 1/2 years.  So, the thought of cooking a meal for other people made my stomach hurt a little.
The good news is I CAN cook!  It has been well documented in my new home, and I am happy to report what I have made so far has not killed anyone and dare I say it has been really yummy? Or Siobhan is really polite-which she is.  Hmm.

The bad news is..I'm a loser. I am really comfortable with this.  I have been wanting 'The Magic Bullet' in the worst way for years.  I love to make smoothies and other blended things.  I knew people with it and I was always fascinated with it.  This weekend I 'bit the bullet' and bought the bullet.

I am also aware that the name of this sounds a whole lot like an adult toy.  So, when I talk about the magic bullet..I feel like I am talking dirty.  Even worse when I brought it home,  you would have thought I was having a sexual experience.  Actually both Siobhan and I fell into that category.  We stared at the box last night for about 10 minutes looking at all it can do.  Well..I stared at it and called her into the kitchen like a lunatic, shouting 'IT MAKES PESTO!!! OH MY GOD IT GRINDS COFFEE!!!'.  I have never ground coffee in my life.  I'm pretty sure I don't need to...but I CAN NOW!!!  It steams things, it comes with it's own cups with color coded rims, so we won't get confused when I make say... a frozen Margarita!  YES, YES, YES!!
Then, it got even better.  In the box is a book of recipes.  There is nothing my magic bullet can't do.  Sauces, batter, dips.  I may never leave the house.
Now, I may be so excited about this, as my last blender had..and incident.  Let's just say on Valentine's day I found a recipe for 'peanut butter and jelly truffles'.  It sounded weird but, it was something that would have been greatly appreciated by my ex.
Let's just say...a blender can't handle peanut butter and bread.  I may have caused an electrical fire and blown up the blender.  I haven't bought one since.
However, I am confident the bullet can take whatever I throw at it.  The infomercial told me.
I gave it a test drive this morning and I'm not sure who was more excited about what was going to happen Siobhan or I.  I was in heaven, and she practically ran from the shower to find me to see how it all went.
It might be love.


  1. Oh Alison, I just love you! I'm seriously laughing out loud at my desk! We totally heart the bullet! It's definitely magical!

  2. I have to say I was expecting a different kind of "magic" from your "bullet"..... - hey, whatever floats your boat!!!

  3. i love my doesn't make anything though :)

  4. I love the Bullet. I'm not a fan of veggies, so putting them in smoothies works for me. And what I love most about my Bullet is We got it at a yard sale for $6. it was still new in the box!

