Monday, July 26, 2010

The time my famous friend got married..

Thursday night I was so happy to be a guest at a celebration of the wedding of my friend Julie McNiven.  If the name isn't familiar to you, there is a good chance the face will be.  If the face isn't now, I say with complete confidence that one day it will be.
Julie and I went to college together getting degrees in Theatre Arts.  While I decided to do..mostly nothing with my degree directly related to theatre, except laugh that I have a degree in pretend, Julie has worked tirelessly at getting where she is today.
However, these things made me a bit uneasy Thursday night.
The truth is..I haven't seen Julie physically in years.  YEARS.  I can't even tell you the last time I saw her now that I am writing this.  Except on TV.
Julie can regularly be seen on Madmen, which I'm embarrassed to say I don't regularly watch (I'm sorry Julie!).  I've seen it, I like it but, I don't sit down to watch it.  I might be a bad friend.

I like the element of surprise.  One night I was watching Desperate Housewives with my then boyfriend and a girl walks across the screen and I sit straight up screaming 'I KNOW HER!!! I KNOW HER!!!'.  My boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy, as I paused and re-wound the walk by over and over until I was convinced.  I then texted Julie 'OH MY GOD, you are on my TV right NOW I think...!!'.   Then I pushed play and her name popped up in the opening credits.
By the end of the friend was dead.  The next week opened to her dead body.  Strangled.  I have to say it's a little upsetting to see your friend dead on TV..even when you know she's acting.
Even worse was one rainy afternoon when I was flipping around the channels.  She also has a recurring role on 'The Supernatural'.  As I flipped, there she was again!! Julie McNiven on my TV!  This fills me with a huge sense of pride.  I stop what I am doing and watch..and kind of have a moment with myself where I say again I KNOW HER!  Less because I think it makes me cool, and more because I am so excited for her.
I watch the scene...and ten minutes later she literally burst into flames in some sort of alien moment...this was not before she kicked some serious ass that I'm pretty sure they brought a stunt double in for.
But, there was my friend with flames coming out of her eyes.  Below is right before the flames.

This is why Thursday I was nervous.  Over the past 5 or so years the only times I've seen her she has been killed by murder or alien force.  I kinda felt like I might need to spring into action to save her at any point during the night.  I don't know what my qualifications are against aliens, but I'd step up to the plate.
But, even with all the excitement in her life, Thursday she was the Julie I always knew.  Gracious, kind, and in love.  No flames or supernatural creatures in sight.

*below is always what I look like before I take down aliens personally-I'm always ready to spring into action, below is also what Julie looks like minus the costuming, strangle marks, and flames.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Julie! And Al, you've got to watch the Mad Men. I started getting into it this year, and I'm trying to catch up to the current season. Julie's great in it, she's got the look and the patter down perfectly.
