Sunday, July 25, 2010

Savor the moment?

I just saw an ad for Fancy Feast Appetizers on TV.  Their tag-line is 'Savor the moment'.  I just want to say if anyone ever catches me 'savoring the moment' over 'appetizers' with a cat.  Put me out of my misery.  Please.  You will be doing me a favor.  The woman in the commercial looks like she is ready for a romantic night in with fluffy.  I mean look at this woman...isn't it kind of the American nightmare to end up alone with your cat?  Now they're trying to make it... a little..I don't know sexy?? Look at the look in that cats' eye!  It's not right.

Was there a big demand for cat appetizers?  Do cats feel put out when they only get an 'entree'??
Also..I have had cats.  I'm pretty sure none of them wanted a candle-lit dinner 'moment' with me after, nor did I want one with them.
I want to be clear that I am an animal lover, I have had animals most of my life.  I think this period has been the longest I have been without an animal in my home.  Somedays I think I would love a pet--a cuddly cat, or a dog to walk;  it's just not the right time.  Even when the time is right for a pet I still hope that I am savoring moments and sharing appetizers with humans.  The cat can eat later.  


  1. I'm sure you've heard of a little expression: SEX SELLS

  2. I know Jo...but, why do we have to bring the cats into it? haha

  3. Hmmm, do I remember you wanting the princess cat that ate her dinner out of the fancy crystal glass, and singing the song that went with said commercial?

  4. Yes, mom this is true. However, there was no song for that one...and I wasn't looking for a night of romantic snacking with a CAT! ha ha
