Monday, July 19, 2010

Word of the day: RE-PURPOSE.

First things first-a quick update.  A round of applause to John Cotti for making the 'Pregnant picture' the picture it was always meant to be.  This ladies and gentleman is one of the many reasons John is my best guy friend...if he was a BETTER friend, he would have made me REALLY skinny...Next time.  However, this is his 'fast and dirty photoshop' (so delicately put by John himself):

*This photo is really fun if you have i-photo.  You can put the two next to each other and go back and forth really fast....and watch my 'ladies butt stomache' go in and out.  It's a good time.  Yeah.  I know how to have a good time.

In keeping with the topic of photos, most of you--you know..all 5 who read this, noticed that I put a new picture up on my blog profile.  Where on earth did this fancy picture come from?  Great question.  Awkward answer?  Coming right up.
So, when you decide to not get married, there are some lose ends to clean up a lot of the time.  You can talk to your venue and get your deposit back if someone else books, you can cancel your photographer and DJ, you can sell your wedding dress.  You can pretty much back your way out of most things.
Except.  Boudoir photos.
Back in January my friends (now) wife (then) fiance e-mailed me a great deal that she found.  We would go have 'boudoir' photo's done at this really nice hotel in Boston.  If you are unfamiliar with what these are, it's basically photos that are very tasteful, but you are in your underwear.  You get your makeup and hair done, bring a bunch of lingerie, have a glass of champagne and have your picture taken.
Like I said, it is tasteful and by no means raunchy.  But, they are not something you would bring in and show say...your dad or your boss. we went.   The woman who did our pictures was fantastic, she did a really great job.  We were in an amazing hotel room with a view of the city--huge windows, amazing decor.  We had such a blast.  I have to say whether you are dating someone, married or not I think every woman should do this just to give yourself a boost.  Not to be overly dramatic but, it's a very freeing feeling to just let your insecurities go and have someone make you look really good.  I'm not a very modest person, so this was pretty painless, but to some most women I know, it could be like jumping out of an airplane. You are with a stranger doing that dance in your underwear that you usually only do by yourself in your bedroom.  Or maybe only I do that?
Now I have a lovely photo book and DVD of photos. Of myself.  In my underpants.  What the hell am I suppose to do with that??
I mean, I can show them to my girlfriends--and I have inspired them to want to do it too, and that is great.  But, at the end of the day..what do you do with pictures of yourself in your underpants???  It's just a little funny.
I sometimes say, 'oh, I will show my grandkids someday that back in the day nana had some sass'...but, then I say ' you want to see your grandmother in her underpants?'..No.  Not so much.
So, last night was my first project of 're-purposing' my photos.  I had long e-mails with my friend Kristen and telephone discussions about which photo was going to work on my blog that didn't look like I was trying to be all..something.  That girl.  So, the one you see is the one we picked after much cropping.
So..where will the next 're-purpose' show up?  Not really sure, I'm going to have to get creative.
I'm thinking Christmas cards.  Because who doesn't want to get a Christmas card from their friend dancing in their underwear?


  1. Love it! We need more pictures!!!! :)

  2. Hahaha! I've seen the photos and I would like one as a Christmas card please.

  3. Heather I will do you one better and make you a life size poster. Then you can think of me when you miss me out in NYC- ha ha

  4. Love the picture! That sounds like so much fun. I totally want to do it. :)

  5. Hey Al...I would totally want to do this...where did you do this and where can I find this person?? Thanks Ricciann...your blog is great

  6. Hey Ricci! Thanks--I will send this to you on Facebook incase you don't check this! Her name is Tanya LaCourse and her company is Violet Marsh photography. I 'like' her page on facebook-I think you can grab her there!
