Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Goal number one. Brought to you by the 'Thong Song'.

So, I *might* have sounded a little negative on a post about setting goals.  First I would like to say I have nothing against goals--everyone should have them, or else what are you working towards?  Second, I want to say I shouldn't have sounded so negative. Third, if you don't know 'The Thong Song'..most of this post will not make sense to you.  And, I'm sorry for that.

So, here is a goal.  Laugh all you want, but I am not kidding around.  I was running and I started to have a serious thought process about my ass.  Now, when I went to bed the other night, I'm pretty sure I was 19 or 20 and I woke up and realized I was in my 30's.  I don't know how that  happened but, here we are.  So, I'm confident I am going to wake up tomorrow and be in my 40's.
I will NOT wake up at 40 with 'Shovel Ass'.  You know what I'm talking about.  It's just what it sounds like.  It's the white woman ass that looks like someone came up behind her and smacked it with a shove.  So God help me.  I will not wake up with 'Shovel Ass'.
My sudden paranoia about it came when my i-pod decided to play 'The Thong Song'.  I was about to skip it thinking I really need to re-make my play lists, I have no interest in listening to The Thong Song.  But, it had the right beat.  And then I thought as I was running...hey...I want 'dumps like a truck. Truck.  Truck.'
I mean..I think my 'dumps' might be OK right now--I mean let's be real when I was 20 and still doing ballet my dumps were nicer...and I'm pretty sure I may have even had 'thighs like what what'.  But, it's not all that bad, I feel like now things are OK...but I have a feeling when decades go by like they do I don't want to wake up and say my 'dumps' look like they got hit by a truck.  Truck. Truck.
Or look at my thighs and say What? WHAT?.  That would be a whole different song.  I have a feeling thighs like 'What, what' may be bigger than what I'm going for...I may want thighs like..just what.  That's enough for me.
So I will be lunging and squatting.  Goal number 1 from now to 40 has been set.

1 comment:

  1. you are too freakin funny! There is a 5k in N. Attleboro on Sunday -10 entry fee.

