Sunday, May 2, 2010

Will work for water.

I think it was Ellen Degeneres that had a moment on her show when things were going badly in her life and she came out and said she couldn't 'pretend to be funny or 'on' when everything in her life was going so terribly wrong'.
Ellen.  I feel ya.  I am not going to pretend that I think I Ellen Degeneres, though sometimes in alone moments I pretend that I am that funny--but, that goes along with the singing in my car.  It's a really self indulgent thing I do.  Pretending I am so hilarious that maybe people will want to watch a show about me.

However, I can empathize in the very small world that is my blog.  99% of the time I try and write something that will make people smile or hopefully laugh.  I love to make people laugh, there really isn't anything better.  I also can usually find a joke or something to laugh at in the worst situations.  I have been kicked out of class more times than I can count, left meetings, and should have been thrown out of church on numerous occasions because once I get the giggles I can't stop.  There are some people in my life I can just look at and we both give each other that knowing look that we are going to laugh inappropriately and not be able to stop.
However, as much as I can laugh at myself and really dark situations, there are some situations you just have to be respectful and tread lightly and tell yourself...self, this is not the time to make light of your life on your blog.
On the other hand, this blog is kind of therapy sometimes for me--and it is a space that is suppose to be uncensored, so there is the rub.  As I am writing this, I know this is boring.  My mojo or 'swaggah' as it was recently called is a little compromised, and as I search for the funny in my life that I can openly share again I leave you with this.  Some things I miss today.

1.GOD tonight is a night that this ex smoker wishes she could smoke again.  For so many reasons, but none more intense than the fact that the temperature tonight is PERFECT for sitting on a stoop with someone with a good topic of conversation and a back of butts.  I know.  Smoking is a bad, nasty habit (sorry smokers) that leads to no good.  I have discourages many a smoker to quit and have been disgusted by the smell since I quit.
But, I loved smoking.  I loved the social aspect, the rhythm of it, the ritual.  And on a night like tonight, on a week like this good GOD I would love a smoke.

2.  Water.  What?  I am staying with friends in Belmont.  If you aren't from Mass, there is a huge water issue right now that affects the town I am staying in.  As in, we can't drink the water, brush your teeth with it, wash food, ice cubes, wash dishes.  My friend Nate and I spend the night after dinner washing dishes in boiled water and rinsing it in another pot of boiled water.  We have bottled water (that we boiled because everyone has panicked and bought every ounce in the state) to brush our teeth.  I am showering in water that might be a little...poopy. The news said try not to get the water in your mouth or your eyes. Awesome.  Have you ever tried to shower like this?  Try it.  It's harder then you think!
Also, more importantly this has an impact on my coffee in the morning.  As in, I woke up, went for a run and just wanted a cup of coffee after before I got ready for my day.  Yeah.  Obviously Starbucks didn't have clean water either--and no coffee for me.

Now, I am done with this decidedly unfunny post.  I have water to boil you know.


  1. sending you good vibes and love! I heard about the water crisis. That blows! I hope they get that fixed up REAL soon! Perhaps a nice glass of wine will help smooth things out? : )

  2. Thanks Meg--I think that a nice BOTTLE of wine could help smooth a lot of things out! ha ha

  3. Hang in there Ali, tomorrow is another day, & who knows; it could get better!
