Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Special Request..

Incase you can't tell...I'm a little uninspired lately!  There is a lot going on in my life..but, even though I am an 'over-sharer' by nature they aren't necessarily things I should share on my blog.  These things will go in 'The Book'.
So, I am taking requests--comment or facebook me and tell me what you want me to blog about...this will be REALLY SAD if no one wants to hear anything!  Is it too late to take that back?

So--if you are a good friend of mine and there is a story that you just can't get enough of that you think I should share...speak up.  I've got nothin'.  Well..that's not entirely true but..some things are best kept to ourselves I've heard..


  1. Well, Danielle and I were just talking about the time you were about to walk off a plane and were saved by theater games...

    Have you touched on a certain late 80s two-hit wonder-twin yet? Because I know he wants to touch you...you know, he's got a tub in his room :)

  2. John....I was SO hoping you were going to bring up Gunner....He's in! hahaha Thanks Bud.
