Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My mouth might be full..but, I'm still talkin'

So, I mentioned the other day that I picked up a new hobby.  I am a professional at biting off more than I can chew.  3 Jobs?  Sure!  8 kids birthday parties in a day, grocery shop, do laundry and go to the gym?  NO problem.
It's always the same.  I take on too much, go go go, am happy, get grumpy.  Eventually burn out if I don't take some time for myself.
Starting in a few weeks in addition to my regular job I will start teaching 4 (I think..) dance classes on Saturday mornings in a town about 40 minutes away.  It's not just the 6 hour commitment (with driving) but, a commitment weekly to prep for the class.  I am excited though, because I love it.
A few weeks ago my friend Danny asked if I would help him put together a 'one man show'.  My thesis in college was my one woman show (because I was super smart and majored in theatre) so, this is right up my ally.  I told him I would be happy to help..and also asked if maybe I could jump into a couple of the dance classes he teaches in Cambridge.  Perfect timing!  I will start taking dance again and be teaching so I have more to offer the kids.
Did I mention that my roomate and I are up most weekdays at 5am and at the gym?  I'm not showing off, I'm just painting a picture for you.
Gym, regular job, 4 dance classes to teach, take dance class, help a friend with a show, social life. (If you run into me and I look like death...remember this blog and tell me to take a nap please.)
Naturally, I decided I need a hobby.
So, I'm helping my mom with a yard sale two weeks ago, and she is selling a keyboard my grandfather gave her one year for Christmas because she doesn't play it.
I picked up the keyboard Saturday.  I thought, I am sick of just jammin' out in my car and in the shower and cleaning the house.  I need a party trick.  I'm going to play the keyboard.
So, I bought 'Piano for Dummies' and had that excitement that everyone does when they are really into a new hobby.
I can read music a very little bit.  Very little.  This is all new territory.  Finally after a couple of days of playing around and learning some stuff from the book I said screw it.  I am finding a song that sounds kinda easy on my I-Pod and I'm going to figure it out.  Patience has never been one of my strengths.
I find the perfect song.  'Love Song' by Sarah Bareilles.
Oddly enough I figured enough out enough to be able to sing along.  By figure out I mean, only the right hand, and maybe it's just the chords.  OK.  Part of the chords.  Finally I got to a point where I decided I was going to jam out with my one handed, half assed playing.
And I got caught.  Singing is either really public or really private for me. I want to do it in front of a whole lot of people or all by myself.  I don't sing for one person.  I don't sing for two.  I won't sing for my mom and I won't sing for you.  I won't sing in a shoe.  Sorry.  I had a Dr. Seuss Moment.
Anyways, I was super into it and Siobhan caught me.  I felt like..I felt like my mom just walked in on me and my high school boyfriend making out or something.  I was so embarrassed that she felt like she had to apologize to me!
Oh roomate.
We are in the honeymoon phase for sure.  Tonight she told me 'I love when you talk and tell me stories'.
Famous last words.  Mainly because I don't let her get any other words in..


  1. Awesome Alison! I was very curious to know what the hobby was that you mentioned in your last post! Love you're blog! xoxoxox

  2. Thanks Mandy!! Please let me know when you guys are on our coast! I would love to see you and meet Isla, I have heard so much about her and what an awesome kid she is..she gets it from her parents :-)
