Sunday, August 8, 2010

A lady never reveals her age.

Yesterday I started a new hobby (more on this later).  It lead me to a plaza in my hometown to Borders to grab a book.  On my way past one of the stores, I noticed they were having a sale on jeans.  This happens to be a store that is probably best left for teenagers in general.  However, their jeans fit me great.  I always have good luck, and I never thought it was a big deal to buy my jeans there.
I went in, grabbed three different styles in my size and headed to the dressing room.  As I waited the buzzer went off alerting the sales associates that I was in need of a room.  I see a young girl walk to the dressing room (presumably to help me).   She barely looked at me and went about clearing the table of clothes that people weren't taking.  I figured she was looking for the key to the dressing room.  Then she went to leave.

Me:  'Um, excuse me--could you let me into a room?'
Girl: 'Oh!  I'm so sorry!  I thought you must be waiting for someone!'

Interpretation:  You look too old to shop here.  I'm surprised you are in here buying jeans lady, Ann Taylor Loft is next door, you must be confused.
I smiled, tried on my jeans, and left with 2 out of 3 pairs. 2 outta 3 ain't bad--this is denim success.  I headed to the register.
I am met my another sales associate, a nice guy- a little older than the dressing room attendant.
Him:  'Buying some denim today'
Me:  'Looks like it!'
Him: 'they're on sale, a good time to do it'
Me:  'mm hmm..'
Him:  'Have you worn this style before?'
Me:  ' yup, I have a pair at home that I love'
Him:  'yeah, the adults really love this style.  The high schoolers and younger kids really like the skinny jeans'
Me:  'Yeah.'

I was basically told by two people I was too old to shop there.  Of course I'm not going to stop, I only go in there for jeans.  However, this does not make my transition into my 30's any I REALLY pegged as too old to shop in a store??

Today I was with my friend and her two year old son on the playground.  He was obsessed with the big twirly slide.  Because her son barrels through the playground, but can't really climb that high yet, she was positioned on the ground to direct him around the play area to me, where I would lift him up and help him to the top of the slide.  This also meant that I was the lone adult paying attention to the 6-8 year olds who were bullying and playing rough at the top.  I was like air traffic control.  A detail cop.  I was getting it done, and trying to avoid my friends' son getting hurt.
One brazen little 7-ish year old in a bathing suit and sneakers pushed past both of us and insisted on hanging off the side of the slide.  My friend's son tried to get on the slide.
Me:  Nicholas, wait your turn, let that little girl go first
Me:  Nicholas, wait for that BIG girl to go before you (that's all I needed to say to become her new best friend, she then showed me all of her fancy playground tricks)

I guess we are all on a struggle with our age.  Just when people start treating us like adults..suddenly we feel too old.  I realized the day before I was the girl in the swim-suit and sneakers.  Well.  Minus the bathing suit and sneakers, that look really doesn't work for me.  But, with all the attitude.  I wanted to stamp my feet and look someone in the eye and say I'M  NOT TOO OLD FOR YOUR JEANS!
Of course, I just paid for my purchase and carried on with my day.  I'm a lady.  I'm a lady in my young girl jeans.  I'm going to own it.


  1. As a side note...if you are still a 'closet reader'...follow me! You don't even need to use your real name. I won't tell anyone. I know you're out there..'cause you tell me! Just do it. Look at the 39 cool kids who already are!

  2. OWN IT, indeed!!!!

    i started to feel semi-old-ish when the CVS pharmacy clerk referred to me as "ma'am", because it used to always be "miss". however, i should be thankful to get any sort of greeting from a CVS pharmacy employee since they typically appear miserable at all times.

    anywho.. loved this little antidote/story/snippit of your weekend!!

  3. Al were you trying to shop at Baby Gap again? Silly old Biddy!
