Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ways to feel young again

So, if you are keeping up on my ARE keeping up aren't you?  Right.  Anyways, if you are then you know my dear friend 'Madonna Mole' had to move out of her place on my left shoulder on Friday.  Little did I know that her annoying housemate 'Betty Blemish' was going to go too.
The plan was to see my doc before the plastic surgeon took off my Madonna.  (I'm going to call it my Madonna from now on because all the 'mole' talk was grossing ME out..that is hard to do).
My doc wanted to take another look at a couple of other things he could steal off my skin, one being a very small blemish under my right cheek (on my face, to be clear).  I had found it this summer and thought it was just a pimple.  However, much to my dismay do matter what I did to Betty (the blemish), she was staying put.  I pointed her out to my doc and he said he would revisit it when I came in to have Madonna evicted.  At that point he was going to try and do some fancy squeezing or something to get her packing.
Yeah.  My day didn't end up like that.  Upon further investigation my doc said, while your in having Madonna kicked out-I'd prefer you kick out Betty too.  Betty doesn't need to get the total boot though, we can just put her on notice with a little scraping.   We want to see what kind of tenant we are dealing with.  Is Betty just annoying...or is she dangerous?  I'm all about getting the danger out of there (have I mentioned my anxiety?) So, I didn't think too much about it and I agreed.
About an hour later, lots of Novocaine, stitches and an unfortunate incident on my face with an instrument that shoots a cold day in HELL on your face to stop bleeding, I was done.  By the way that HELL was shot on my face after the numbness had already worn off.  Yeah.  She had to stop, she thought I was still numb.  Did I mention I wasn't?
I stood up and looked in the mirror.  Not only did I have a massive bandage on my shoulder (to be expected) but, a HUGE one on my face. This was to stay for 24 hours before I could switch for one week to a small round band-aid.  This would have all been fine if I:
A.  Didn't have to go directly to a client meeting
B.  Didn't have to waitress that night.

I was more worried about the waitressing.  My lovely boss-who may be reading this and will kill me for saying she is SUCH A LIAR!  I walked into the restaurant to looks of shock, and co-workers trying to hide their laughter.  Now, I can laugh at myself with the best of them--but when someone tells me I am 'brave' because I came into work and that they would have called out. I knew I had a lapse in judgement.  Now I was SURE I was going to be sent home.  I went down to my bosses office, and she politely LIED and said it wasn't that bad.  I asked her if she would want me bringing her food all night, and she said yes, she would.  Come to think of it, I think she was just imagining a life where I was her servant...hmm..
Anyways, I already had a table.  A table of young girls in their early 20's.  (This is the part where you get to feel young again, I know I am only a month away from 30, but I'm feelin' my age!)
The look on their face said it all. All as in 'OMG, LMFAO, what is wrong with that girls FACE? Is this a joke?  She is going to bring me my food and drink?  FML!  WTF?  LOL!'.  They didn't need to say it.  I agreed.  Sigh.  But, the night went on.  I wasn't sure if I should ignore it or make a joke.  I tried making a joke with one table who said 'OH! I didn't even notice until you pointed it out!'.
Um...lies.  Bold faced lies.  White gauze pads and tape across your whole face don't blend in!  Nice try though lady.  Nice try.
The rest of the night though..I held the jokes.

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