Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm trying. I really am.

So, I was going to get off my 30 pity party.  I was going to embrace yet again that 2010 is going to be my year.
A good haircut always makes me feel better.  I was certain this one would make me feel REALLY good because I haven't had it cut since before Christmas, and anyone with short hair knows that this is not a good thing.  I couldn't wait.  She asked if we were 'doing the same thing', I hate that.  It makes me sound predictable.  I was actually ready to try something new, but I didn't have time to find pictures of what I wanted so I said, 'well, yes.  But, in October you cut it and it was shorter than last time you cut it, and now it's even but the same'.
She said 'so, shorter?'
me: 'um. yeah'.

The shampoo girl took me in back, and last time this girl shampooed my hair, it was almost a religious experience.  Seriously.  I thought I was going to have an Herbal Essence commercial moment.  So, I was so excited to see the same girl.  This was going to be good.
I have to say, she kinda half assed it.  I mean, at least get a little scrub going ya know?  I love a good scalp massage.  I should have known something was up.

I sat in the chair and my girl came back, ready to start chopping.  Usually she is really chatty, today..not so much.  I can't NOT talk (obviously), so I start making chit chat.  Nothing.  Dead Ends.
Then she throws it on me:  Um, so I have some news.  I'm moving to New York.  In two weeks.  I just gave my notice like, an hour ago.

WHAT???  She then referred me to someone who if he didn't smile and wave at me like a lunatic, I would be afraid to approach him in a back alley.  You know, cause I'm always in back alleys.

Then I did this thing I keep doing.  I gave an awkward hug.  I don't think we really needed to hug...I don't think she wanted a hug...But, there I was giving an awkward hug because it felt like the right thing to do.

Now that I think of it I should have flicked her right in the cheek and told her she ruined my year.  People really underestimate the power of a hard flick.

1 comment:

  1. Flick away! That'll make her stand up and pay attention! Or maybe slap you, however, either way, you would have made your point, and that's all that really matters, right???!!! A good hairstylist is hard to come by, and how dare she leave you so abruptly! I mean, as a hairdresser, you need to give your clients at least a month to find someone new. That's the standard rule. And as someone with short hair, I know exactly what you you mean. I'm in the process of trying to grow mine out, and it's a hot mess to be honest.

    I am also a hugger, and I hug people in an awkward manner pretty regularly, actually, if I'm being honest. And it always seems to be people that really don't want to be hugged, or care to have me that close encroaching on their personal space...... and they always look at me like I'm a little crazy... and not in a good way. Crazy, like "need to lock her up for the minimum 90 days crazy". What can I say, I'm a hugging kinda gal....And when I meet you, know that you will get a hug too! :-)

    Anyway, I have to say thanks .... I used to blog and write all the time, and between work, two kids, and a complicated marriage, I've been slacking in a big way... but you have inspired me to start again! And I enjoy your blogs! :)

    Oh and PS- celebrate and embrace thirty! Or just get really drunk like I did.......

