Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's day--change your underpants.

We can file this post under the caption TMI.  Brian might kill me for all this info, but he doesn't read my blog.  That's what he gets!
Since we have been serious and lived together the agreement is that he cooks and I do laundry.  Since the OK to do his laundry it has been a constant battle to weed out the um..underwear that just shouldn't be there.  Like WHY would you keep underwear with holes in it?  Especially when you have new packs of underwear in your drawer ready to wear.
But, he wears it to work--as a chef, or to the gym.  So, he says he doesn't want to ruin his 'good underwear'.  What's the difference???  You don't pull out the 'good' underwear for special occasions!
Didn't his mom ever drill the importance of nice underwear into his head?  You, know incase you get hit by a bus--at least you have on clean underwear and no one can say you have a bad mother/girlfriend.
For work and the gym he enjoys 'tighty whities'..for real.  However, they have been washed so many times they are more 'tighty grey-ies'.

So.  Being the sneak that I am, every week when I do laundry I 'lose' a pair or two of underwear.  So far, it works like a charm.

This year for Valentines day I bought Brian a card that has 'the difference between men's and women's sexy underwear.  The cartoon picture of a woman's was a red thong with lace, silk and bows all pointed out.  The picture of the man's was tighty whities and arrows pointing to 'clean' and 'no holes'.  Jackpot!  It was perfect.

This morning we opened cards.  He bought me the same one.  This is how I know we are meant to be.  That, and I put up with his underwear.

1 comment:

  1. omg that is too funny! love you guys & Happy Valentines!
