Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Smooth Operator..no need to ask.

I inadvertently got my facebook page all in a scuffle over Sade today.  Who knew?  Apparently, only mostly ME.
So, 2010 is suppose to be my year--I was believing it, and I still do.  Even Susan Miller on the website 'Astrology Zone' is pretty much telling me this is going to be the best year of my life.  So far I lost my grandfather, I'm still in debt, I need new tires, and I am pretty sure I'm going to owe money on my taxes.  But, all signs point to a STELLAR year.
So, truth be told I'm not totally traumatized about turning 30.  But, I walked into Starbucks today--which is really like going into cheers for me only in multiple locations.  Because I have a distinctive drink, and Starbucks is pretty much amazing-everyone knows my name.  The reason why multiple locations know my name is because I used to get really embarrassed when they started to remember my drink and my name.  I thought it made me pretentious, so I would find a new Starbucks.  Now, for over $4 for my morning coffee I find it a nice luxury not to even tell the staff that I want a Venti, decaf, nonfat, rasberry, mocha, no whip, no foam- no fun.  I just walk in and everyone says 'Hey Alison!' and they grab a cup and get it going.  It's priceless.
This morning- Nicole (yeah. I know their names too) looked at her stack of Sade's newly released CD ready to put out.  'I don't even know who this is'. WHAT???
Yup.  She was too young to remember Sade.  Well, at least that is how I interpreted it, because EVERYTHING has become about my age in my head suddenly.  So, I told her she was great she should listen to it, took my coffee, got in my car and promptly posted on Facebook how I was old because I remember Sade, and young Nicole at Starbucks did not.  WELL.  At first there was sympathy, and then there it was.  'I don't even know if I know who THEY are?  I might have heard THEIR music on the radio before and not known it was THEM'.  That is what one of my friends posted. GOOD GOD.  Even my best gay didn't know right off the bat!  I feel like if any man would know it would be the gays???  No.  I'm wrong.  Every man trying to bed a woman in the 80's or 90's...and even now knows poppin' some Sade in is going to seal the deal.  I could seal the deal with my cat if it put Sade on, but I don't have a cat so don't worry.
Anyways, Sade was totally up there with Madonna with me at 4 years old.  Also, Hall and Oats were there too..Their hit 'Man-Eater' somehow translated in my brain at 4 as 'Dance Meter'.  I imagined it was some sort of parking meter like device that was on the dance floor at clubs and everyone put a nickle in so they could stay on the dance floor.
Maybe I should embrace 30.  My youth is looking a little embarrassing.


  1. hhaha... though i agree with the final comment "your youth is looking a little embarrassing" ... i will entertain the notion that maybe i should know show SADE was ... i wasnt that into music in my younger years... but either way... hahah... the point is... I CANT BELIEVE WE'RE GOING TO BE 30!!!!

  2. well, this old lady knows and *loves* Sade.
