Monday, February 22, 2010

Awkward moments, courtesy of facebook; Parts I and II

Part I.
I always end up feeling bad somehow when on facebook.  Usually in the morning at work I pull it up for a quick FB debriefing and then minimize it for the day.  I'm in sales, so often I don't look at it for hours--sometimes I leave the office and leave it open.  I do it at home, I open it-and forget about it.
I always forget to just take myself off-line so people don't chat with me.  My friends' mom always IM's me and half the time I am not even there to answer, and she seems so lost!  I always feel bad that I didn't get to tell her I wasn't ignoring her...I was just..not there!   I'm sure she isn't crying about it, but still--I feel bad!

What's worse though is how to stop IM-ing with someone.  It always seems like a good idea to just send someone that quick message while you know they are right there online (unless, it's me and now you know I'm sometimes not there).  The conversation starts and you say what you need to say.  After that it instantly gets..awkward.  
'So, how was your day?'
'doing anything this weekend'
'yeah, going skiing with some friends'
'OK, well, I'm gonna go watch TV and floss my teeth now'
'Ok!  Bye!'
'See ya, have a good night'
'You too'
'K! night'
' :-) '
' :-)' 

And done.   Seriously??? We aren't on the phone, we don't need all the fillers--even the phone gets out of control, it's like some weird who gets the last work game.
'alright, talk to you later'
'take care'
'you too'

Every. Time.   Some times theres even that weird laugh that you do.You know it..when your saying goodbye--it's like..'huh hmm, bye'..or 'hmm hmm, bye'. I can't get the sound right in words..but you know it and use it.  

Part II.

OK, so like I said, sometimes I just keep facebook minimized.  The other day I was working, and I needed my boss to do something on his end so I could finish what I was doing.  I sent him a quick e-mail knowing he was at his desk.  I took this opportunity to catch up on what had happened in the last 3 hours.  I came across a picture of someone who I know from a while back whose pictures let just say always shock me.  I'm not easily shocked.  Now, I'm not judging, but they aren't necessarily things that I would post.  I knew it would get a rise out of a co-worker of mine so I call him over.  Well, he's beside himself.
Let me also say, it wasn't a picture that was really TERRIBLE to have on my screen..but, it wasn't something that like I said...I would have put up there myself, hence calling my co-worker over. 
This picture led me to coming across a picture of someone's (fully clothed ) butt across my entire screen. It was time to log out.  This was not good.
My boss doesn't like to call people in the office on the phone.  He likes to walk over to your desk to tell you things.  He is also very quick, light on his feet and generally stealthy for his age.  Or any age.  
You often don't know he is there until he is right in your ear--he scares me EVERY time.
As I'm trying to log out while the picture is still up...don't you know I see him in the reflection of my screen before I hear him.
Then I get a case of crazy hand that only says 'hi boss, i'm doing something I shouldn't be'..even though I  really wasn't, but this persons picture that I chose to pull up has cause an awkward moment.
Now my computer is moving slow, like it knows and is laughing at me on the inside of it's cold mother board, as I fumble with my mouse and swivel my chair around trying to block the screen with my body at the same time as trying to shut down the FB.  I was too late.  My boss, totally cool.  Either didn't see or graciously acted like he didn't see.  God love him.

Now, I'm in a sweat and my heart is racing.  I peer into my co-workers cube.  He's laughing at me.
'Al, I am SO SORRY, he was too quick I didn't have time to react!  I couldn't stop him!  I thought about tackling him down to the ground to give you more time!'

That would have been great.  I really do love my boss--and not only because I'm afraid he's going to read this.  I think he is great.  But, the slow motion image of him being blindsided by my tall lanky cube mate and taken down to the ground for no reason but to save me from embarrassment...that gives me a good laugh.  I don't open questionable pictures at work anymore.  Thanks Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. oh bud! you left my mom hanging?? she IS still crying!! haha...i knew you were talking about her, thats hilarious.
