Monday, February 8, 2010

Wait a minute...I thought I turned 23 last year.

A dear friend of mine pointed out to me today the fact that I will turn 30 one month from tomorrow.  'Bud! Can you believe you are going to be 30 one month from tomorrow??!'.  Nope.  Kris, I can't.
I have a love hate with 30. I mostly love it because my aunt told me recently that a psychic told her that everyone in heaven is about 30 years old.  Well, that sounds promising!  If heaven is a place where everything is perfect, wonderful, and full of pretty much total amazingness then 30 must be where it's at!
I should focus on that.

However, I have this nagging list in my head of things I should have done before I turned 30. It's nothing I ever wrote down, but it's things I thought I would have done.  For example:

1.  I thought I would have at least 1 child by now.  I actually told Brian a couple of years ago I wanted to be married and at least pregnant with our first child when I turned 30.  Well, we are engaged. That is great-believe me.. but, I am just saying.  Brian remembers the story as 'either engaged or pregnant by 30'.  We often have different versions of the same story.

2. I thought I would be married.  See above.

3.  I thought I would own a house

4.  I thought I would have a clue what I was doing with my life!

5.  I thought I would feel like an adult...I still pretty much feel like I am 21 minus the fake ID, all the drinking and bad decisions

6.  I thought I wouldn't need a part time job in addition to a full time job

7.  I thought I would be able to sleep alone in my bedroom without my light on...I actually sleep on the couch when Brian is away.  I feel like I can spring into action quicker if an intruder breaks in!

8.  Umm...I thought I would have started my 401K.

OK.  I'm getting concerned. I need to stop there.  More to come.  But, hey--in September I ran my first 5k!  Go me.  Excuse me, I need to go make some adult decisions or something.

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