Thursday, November 4, 2010

Maybe I'm too friendly?

As per my usual in my new town I have made friends with most of the baristas at my local Starbucks.  As in, they all know about my layoff.  They all know about my hopes to start school in January.  They know I teach dance class on Saturdays.  I know about Darby's plan to go back to school, that she sells Lia Sophia and caters on the side as well.  I know Trish likes to run and is in school.  She also used to work with troubled children.  When I get my coffee every morning it is like going to Cheers for me.  It is bad that I also know the stories of a bunch of employees at my last 2 towns of residence--and they still recognize me. Is this a problem?  Maybe.
Case in point.  This morning I ran in and was about 7 people back in line when one of the newer baristas spots me.  I do not yet know her name--she told me and I forgot.  She yells 'Alison!   Darby has something for you!'
'For me??'
'Yeah!  Darby--Alison's here!'
Well, now I'm getting a lot of curious looks...
Darby comes out with a jar of her homeade Apple Butter that we had discussed a few weeks ago.  I happen to love Apple Butter and she was telling me about her crock pot recipe, I was fascinated- and was considering making my own.  She told me she'd bring some in for me.  I assumed that she was being polite and would not--which would have been fine!
But, she did.  I am thankful for Darby--and all my starbucks peeps who make my day happy...and make me feel a little awkward all at the same time.


  1. I think it's awesome. My mom is the same way with her "Starbucks girls" When my grandma died they all signed a card for her, she's been given prom pictures and even a gift card for her birthday. It's craziness. But they are the only ones who make her drink the way she likes it!

  2. I think thats so nice. I used to get recognized by the Starbucks peeps in San Francisco and it made me feel special. In NYC you're lucky if they say hello to you at all so soak up the Starbucks friendliness!
