Wednesday, November 10, 2010

College doesn't make you smart.

As I tortured myself by watching the food network while cleansing (why would I do that??) I was reminded of a college incident.

My two roommates and I were dead broke--as you should be in college to get the full experience.  Our cupboards were bear and none of us had enough cash on us to go out and get something to eat.
We opened up the freezer and there stood one loan frozen dinner.  The three of us stood around the counter and SHARED ONE frozen dinner.  Now, I'm just sayin' if we called our parents and said, hey- we don't have enough money to EAT this week, someone would have sent us some money.  I think we just wanted to be dramatic.
Another tactic we used was watching the food network and pretending that baby carrots were what we were watching on TV.  Seriously??  Seriously.
I'm thankful to not be that dumb anymore.

In an unrelated note I get regular e-mails from Borders (the book store).  When they e-mail me a coupon they give me recommendations based on past purchases.
Today's recommendation was 'Your Pregnancy After 35'.  Umm.. Did I sleep through the last five years?  Also, did I sleep through getting pregnant?  What the heck fire did I buy that screamed she needs a late in life pregnancy book??
Yeah.  I said heck fire.  I heard someone use it and I'm trying it on.  Sometimes I think I'm Southern.


  1. I am not one of the above mentioned roommates, just saying haha!

  2. actually... I was one of those above mentioned roommates... and i remember this incident like it was yesterday (it probably happened more than once) ... -- also, i thought when i read "heck fire" it was a typo.... im glad you try new things Al, but.. i aint working.... :)

