Monday, March 22, 2010

The worst torture of all.

Saturday was a fantastic day.  The morning was perfect: awesome workout, great cup of coffee, nails done, my shower was the perfect temperature.

The afternoon got better:  I met good friends for lunch and ate delicious food and had some good laughs.  After hanging out with Kris and Scott I made my way to my friend Noelle's house.  I had dinner with her and laughed as her son took his spaghetti in his hands and shoveled it in his mouth like it was his last meal. I laughed even harder at his stained face and PJ's when she told me she had just given him a bath.
It was a rare 75 degree day in March.  Naturally this called for some sort of ice cream treat.  We made Frappes.  OHH.  They were delicious.  I felt so good.

My last act of the day at around 10PM was some orange juice with seltzer--just a splash of OJ.  I sat down and thought about my fabulous day, and Brian came home.  About midnight I said--I feel like I'm going to be sick.
Brian said 'Why'...Why do people ask that. I don't know why I feel like that.  Why isn't really a follow up to I feel like I'm going to be sick--is it?  
Anyways, I didn't think too much of it and fell asleep on the couch.  Brian woke me up around 1AM and we went to bed.  
2:30 AM.  I knew I was in trouble.
Let's just say I saw every piece of my wonderful day in rewind the other night.  All night long.  Along with a full recap of my day in food, all mystery went out the door in our relationship as I wimpered that I needed water, and 'STOP RUBBING MY BACK, YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE!!'.
As my best friend said, this isn't where the romance dies, it's where true love lives.  That is an awfully poetic picture of our night.
But, it was so true as before work Brian went out to get my gatorade and popsicles so I wouldn't end up in the ER like numerous friends of mine who got the same nasty bug.  
Here is my problem.  Popsicle wrappers.  I just wanted (and got) regular variety pack style popsicles. 
Why aren't they labeled on the outside of the wrapper?  Or better yet-why don't they come in CLEAR wrappers.  Seriously, the popsicles that are packaged as one flavor all have clear plastic wrap.  THOSE popsicles don't need clear wrap--you know what you are getting, you got the box of Edy's Whole Fruit Coconut flavored frozen fruit bars.  THOSE popsicles can have the white wrappers.
When I am sick and can only survive off popsicles, I am just saying WHY do you have to make me guess what's inside?  Why?  There are only two kinds of people that are getting these popsicles:  Kids, and sick people.  
If you bought these for your kids, you know you have opened like 5 that you thought were grape because of the dark shade that you can kinda see through the white wrapping only to find out it's root bear and your 5 year old hates root beer.  So, now you have a box of 5 root bear popsicles with freezer burn because you saved them because, you know, it's wrong to throw away food.
If you bought them because you are sick.  Well, it's just plain torture.  I hate the same popsicles I did as a kid, and now I am going to have those root beer flavored pops in my fridge with a iceberg beard because it is wrong to throw food away...and I will forget about them.
I just want popsicle makers to know 'hold the popsicle up to the light in the wrapper and guess the flavor' when you've been tossing your cookies all night is not a fun game. Ever.
Clear wrappers.  Think on it. Thanks for listening.

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