Monday, March 8, 2010

He's just not that into you..or he's just not that into women!

I'm going to stop saying in posts what I am going to be posting about for a week--I was going to post all this stuff that shaped me to that thirty is tomorrow, well I don't want to talk about it OK??!

Due to the reaction to my last 2 part series (reactions that were mainly to my face and not posted on my blog...ahem...) I have been encouraged by my good friend Jen --who often likes to laugh at my expense, to continue blogging about my penchant for dating gay men.  **It is important to note, that I no longer date gay men--Brian wanted to make sure this disclaimer was made**.

Some thought my last blog topic may not be real.  Let me and about 50 other witnesses to the 'relationship' tell you, OH it happened.  It is also important to note a couple of other things:

My first kiss.  He is now gay.  There were numerous other crushes on gay men.  I'm sure Freud would say I was attracted to the gays so I could avoid real feelings and relationships or something...or that my parents didn't hug me enough.  **Mom, Dad..I'm kidding, you did PLENTY of hugging.  Just the right amount*.

When I went to orientation for college I sat in a session with a really hot guy.  He had really blue eyes, he was dressed so cute, and had this blond curly hair.  He was super tan and looked like a life guard.  He sat next to me and kept smiling.  Oh, my gosh.  He thinks I'm cute too.  It was a two day orientation and by the end my friend Scott was out of the closet.  Darn it!  But, he is one of my best gays.  I should have listened to him more because clearly I got in the short line for 'gay-dar' and in the long line for 'blissful ignorance'.
School started and I quickly became friends with girls on the 3rd floor of one of the dorms.  I lived off campus, so I would always stay with my new friends in their room.  Their RA caught my eye.  Looking back, I don't know why.  He was a nice enough guy, but good grief.  He spent more time in the mirror than I did, was worried about his skin care routine, ironed his boxers, and his wrist joint had been permanently removed.
EVERYONE told me he was gay.  I am always up for a challenge and, after all--he totally said he wasn't.
Because he was an RA he had a private room and a big king size bed.  Which really just meant two of the twin beds got pushed together.  I would hang out in his room and watch him organize his closet.
Should I organize it by prints or colors?  Hang or fold my denim and khakis?
I don't know?? Can't we make out???
Some nights he was super nice and would let me stay in his room..which meant sleeping in his bed.  I would lay awake all  night waiting for something to happen...a foot to touch mine..really anything.

Then I would go talk to Jen, Deb and Kris and we would analyze why nothing happened.  They were mostly kind about it 'Al, maybe he's just really polite'...and when I would leave they would say 'UM HE IS GAY!'

One night, my friend Cait and I were so excited.  Another RA who she had a crush on asked her on a date--and the best part was a DOUBLE date with me and my RA.
No one could believe it--we were going out with them..maybe..just maybe they weren't!
About 20 minutes into the meal Cait and I realized these two RA's were actually on a date with EACH OTHER and we were there for show.  Yeah.  That was awkward.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD...that is GREAT!!!! What an akward double date hahahaha
