Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year! Put on your water socks and eat in the store!

Well, here it is January 6th and as I have not posted yet this year as you can imagine my New Year started with a bang!  Bang is a strong word..but, I am hoping it is a good enough excuse to not have posted.

As some of you may know I have already witnessed the human condition at its finest this year.  If you don't know, let me fill you in.
Picture this, Target on a Tuesday morning.  I was in the baking isle as I was preparing to make our fellow tenants upstairs cookies for the holidays (late, I know) because they are awesome and always take the trash barrels to the curb and shoveled the driveway on our side last week.
I see a woman next to me.  I hear something hitting the ground, not unlike marbles.  I look and realize it is chocolate chips.  I also hear the bag ripping some more.  I then see her take a handful and sample them.
She then puts them back.  It was all I could do to not say 'excuse me ma'am...I don't think anyone else is going to want to sample that bag after you have, and I'm also fairly certain that no one wants to buy open goods.  You may as well bring them around the store and finish them, or throw them away.  OR if you really want to get crazy bring them to customer service and say 'Oh, hey I found these open in  the isle'.  Has anyone told you that is not appropriate??'... Instead I loudly said 'REALLY??!!'
Passive aggressive?  Maybe.  OK, yes.  I couldn't help myself.

Picture this.  Boston Sports Club.  Tuesday night.  My good friend and I are signed up for 'Bodypump'.  We circle the parking lot endless times looking for a space.  It took forever.  New Years resolutions.  We got into the class and it was like a junior high dance.  Tightly packed sweaty bodies, but no one getting close enough to actually touch.  It was so jammed I wanted to turn around and leave.  However, I stayed.  All will be back to normal in one month.  What I didn't find normal was the man on the stair climber with water socks on (lake shoes, water shoes--pick your term) and shorts.  He also was sporting a shirt that was too short letting it all hang out--perhaps to remind himself and all of us what his resolution was.
Me personally, I like to stare at those parts in shame in  my bedroom or bathroom and do my best to hide them in the general public.  Good for him.  He is  (literally) putting it out there.  As for the water socks, a friend of mine suggested it was not an accident.  She saw the same look at her gym..she thinks it is preventative as the man sweat so badly he left a pool of sweat at his feet..he had to mop up the floor..
Perhaps his other resolution was foresight.

Which brings me to resolutions.  What are mine for the year?
1. Lose the extra 8 pounds I gained in July/August.  However, that is a kinda silly goal.  Wanna know what it really is?  I would LOVE to be able to work out in a sports bra and those super short black shorts.  Not at the same time.  I would never actually do this, but I would like to know the option is there.  That is enough for me.

2.  Ask for less opinions.  Opinions of friends and family are important to me.  I am known to ask for about 11 or so opinions for every decision I make.  I've heard a rumor the only on that counts when the decision involves me.  Huh.  Weird.

3.  Not put my life on a time table.  I hope for lots of things in my life.  I wish for lots of things.  However, I've learned that some of these things are not totally in my control.  Lots of time is wasted putting life on a time table and thinking more into the future and less into the now.  I'm all about the now.  The now is pretty fabulous by the way.  I definitely like living in it.  Even when it scares me.

4.  Maybe I need to get a little crazy.  Live a little.  I'm not talking jumping out of a plane, but maybe I should try something like...water socks and a half shirt at the gym, or snacking on chocolate chips in the store and putting them back.  Baby steps.

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