Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ready or not?

After you break up with someone 4 things happen:

1.  Everyone wants to know the dirt.
2.  Everyone has advice on how to live your life now
3.  Everyone tells you how 'they had a feeling it wasn't right/ going to work out', etc.
4.  Everyone has someone they want to set you up with.

In my experience anyways.  All of this--except for number 1, is usually meant to help you as a friend, move on, get your mind off of things or make you feel better.
One thing however, that a friend said to me over a month ago was that 'it is really important for me to take this time, alone.  Set goals for yourself, some short term goals and accomplish them.  You are going to need months alone'.
Now, I have never had a problem being single or alone really.  I mean, everyone gets lonely sometimes, or has a moment every now and again when you are single that you want someone by your side.  For various reasons: boredom, loneliness, parities where you are the only single person, a good movie on the couch, a night out, someone who just gets you, or you are just plain horny (sorry, but you know it's true).
But, all in all through my adult life while I have had serious relationships I have spent a good amount of time single and embraced it.
I've lived alone before.  I've lived with roommates.  I've vacationed with friends.  I have by all accounts been a successfully single person.
So, what exactly makes me ready to move on I wonder?  What goals to I need to set?
If I train for and run a 5K am I ready for a new relationship?
If I bill 2 million dollars a month at work (wow...that would be nice..) would I be ready?
If I successfully master making creme brulee while hula hooping to 'Shoop' I ready then?

I set goals all the time.  I was never in my relationship and was suddenly lost and goal-less with no sense of self.  One might argue 'OK smart-ass, you called off your wedding...clearly you need to figure out your brain'..
But, that's the thing.  I did that when I figured out my brain.  The tough part now is getting used to my life without the great partner that I had, and moving and all that comes with that.  But, the hardest part is over now.
So, if something feels right, or good do I not go for it because I haven't checked off an imaginary 'to do list' that I would do coupled or single?  Maybe?
My friend would say I need time for me to figure out what I really want in life. I'm not saying my friend is wrong, or saying something that is bad advise what I AM saying is I'm 30.  I'm not old, but I'm not 22 either.  I have dated.  A lot.  I know what works for me and what doesn't..
So my question is what is the magic amount of time--and how do you know when your ready?
Loaded question.  Isn't it?

By the way.  I have 29 followers.... Who is my number 30?  I'm there should be 30 (more really) and y'all need to be commenting on my blog page--not my facebook link.  If for no other reason than I can open up blogger and feel excited and surprised that someone read it! Yeah.  I said y'all.  I feel like southern women get shit done. I know you are out there because some of you are 'closet' readers.  I see from facebook that my gay friends are announcing it is 'Pride Week'.  So, why not show some pride here too!  Come out of the 'definitely decaf' closet and be a follower! (You don't have to be gay-I'm not gay either.)  And, if you are gay- well, you can start following me next week, because let's face it--you are all too drunk right now to figure it out :-)


  1. heres my advice......when opportunity knocks, make sure you can hear it.

  2. I'll be listening Jill.. Opportunity should make sure to knock loud enough- ha ha

    HEY! 31 Followers! Thank you!

  3. exciting news! tonight, when I started to type in definitely decaf on the google page it suggested "definitely decaf" before I finished typing it... usually I have to type the whole thing. well, I thought that was cool.

    also, YOU know when YOU are ready. that's it.

  4. Sounds to me like you are doing exceptionally well so far. Have confidence and know you'll continue to do so.

  5. I think it's important to take time between relationships just so when you begin your new one you're not bringing along as much baggage from the first one. Breakups are hard and everyone needs time to heal. That being said you know what's best for you and when you're ready to start anew, so just listen to your heart.

  6. All good advice ladies--and just to clarify my friend in this blog gives fantastic advise-as do all my friends, and it is meant to be a sort of light question--not to be down on anyone's advise..but, it did get me thinking..what does one need to do to move on? I also don't want anyone to think they are the specific friend, it isn't necessarily one person either :-) I appreciate all advice always--I like to see all sides of the spectrum!
