Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The day I became a Puma

This evening I was aggravated.  I had no brains yesterday and left my debit card at a place really out of my way...like an hour and a half in traffic tonight out of my way.  I left my sunglasses at the gym, I printed out directions for a few places I was going at work.  Got to my car and had left them on my desk.  Clearly, I'm a little distracted.

So, on my way back from getting my card tonight it was after 8pm and I was picking up groceries for the week and dinner tonight.  I had told my friends I would cook.  I was starving and cranky.

I get in line to cash out and the cashier says to me 'wow, you look like you're going to a party'
I look up...'umm...I do?'
Cashier (Joshua is on his name tag):  'Yeah, you're all dressed up--you look really nice.'
I look down at my flip flops, jeans and tank top..mentally note that before I left the house I had not a drop of makeup on and now I feel like I want to eat my own arm.  Surely, he is kidding me.

'This is dressed up?!  (nervous laugh) I guess I'm not sure what you're used to seeing! haha'
'well, you look lovely..really you do'.
OK.  Now I have a good look at him.  He is a BABY--what is he 18??  Oh boy.  However, I can't look at him because I'm a little embarrassed and now my face is red.  I can feel it.  Not because I find him attractive but, because he is so blatent with his compliment---and it was sweet.
Blushing is a new thing I do.  I never used to blush, now it gives me away every time.  Damn hot face because an 18 year old thinks I look nice!

Joshua then says: ' I might be young, but I'm not shy....you can blame my dad for that'
Woah, Joshua.  Woah.
I told him he should hold on to that trait because it will go a long way with women.
He says 'really?  well, I haven't landed one yet'... I told him the thing I hate to hear... 'you have plenty of time' (This is when I realized I sounded like his mother)
He got a little defensive and said, 'oh yeah'..just like I do all the time.  I said, 'Joshua....how old are you?'
Me (laughing just a little): 'oh you have PLENTY of time!'
Joshua:  'well, you couldn't be any older than 25'...I'm really starting to like this kid!  Not like that but...you  know..maybe I could put him in a little box and open it up when I need a 'pick me up'..
Being the old lady that I am now, I didn't tell him he was a bit off.
He paid me a couple of other compliments and I couldn't even look him in the eye he was so confident.  I was looking for a coupon and I couldn't find it.  Now I'm dropping receipts out of my wallet because Joshua is making me flustered.
Thank you Joshua.  Thanks for making me feel for a brief moment...like..I could be a Puma--cause I'm not quite cougar yet.
I hope no 20 year old girl breaks his spirit--I'm not confident it won't happen to him.  But, I have hope for him.  Some girl is going to appreciate him and his candor one day--he will make her day.  I wish I could see it.
But, for this girl...no 20 year olds for me....
That doesn't mean I didn't congratulate myself in the parking lot..just a little bit.

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