Thursday, December 24, 2009

My grown-up Christmas list..or, Santa help me clean my tub with clothes on

So, of course as an adult we all know how Christmas is for the children.  But, when you don't yet have kids of your own, you do at times tend to think of yourself--and I'm sure you do when you have kids too. 
I asked for some stuff I would like from family, but usually like everyone else, during the year I buy what I need- so it's hard.

However, this morning as I cleaned my tub before work naked (yea, naked--you have to, you really have to get in there, and when you have the soft scrub with bleach your best bet is to strip down.) I realized, I have a much more elaborate 'grown up Christmas list' that really, only Santa and 8 tiny reindeer can help me out with.

1.  A new tub--I don't care if it is bath-fitter, a re-glazing, or a whole new unit.  Our tub sucks.  Why was I cleaning the tub at 6am this morning nude?  Truly because of the first problem.  Our drain is always backed up, and we have been so busy over the last few weeks that Drano has not been our top priority.  So, last night Brian left the draino in overnight.  I got up this morning to a free running drain--SWEET!  BUT, I also awoke to all of our nasty hair and soap scum around the tub...I could not get in their and get out feeling clean.  I realized this after I stripped down....Now I've got on my yellow gloves and I'm scrubbing. 

NOT ONLY do we have a crappy drain..but, before Brian bought the condo the previous tenant had it 're-glazed' where they spray some stuff on it to make it look like new.  Well, after a couple of years this stuff comes off in chunks.  If you shower at our house you will most likely be ankle deep in water watching white chunks of plastic floating buy. The tub underneath is blue.
Santa, I want a new tub.

2.  Windows.  OK, this is so embarrasing.  Our windows are terrible!  Some of them don't open all the way..OK NONE of them open all the way.  In the summer without AC we are screwed, and forget about fresh air in any room except the living room where we have a slider.  In the winter, we may as well just have the windows open as the wind just comes right in.  Why turn on the heat?  This year we will be doing that plastic stuff you use the blow-dryer to shrink up over your windows...classy.
Santa, windows please--I've been mostly nice!

3.  New paint.  Mustard Yellow.  That's all I really need to say.  Bri picked it out himself, and he is very proud.  I feel like we live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner Van.
Sant, we need a paint job--will the reindeer have trouble with that with their hooves?

4.  Back to the bathroom--Santa we really need a new air vent.  When we turn it on it sounds like dying cats.  It's scary.

5.  Cash.  Santa, if you are not that handy--I am happy to take the total for all of these replacements in cash. was so much more fun when all I wanted was a Cabbage Patch and a Koosh ball for Christmas.  Maybe not for my parents..but, it was for me!

Merry Christmas!


  1. OK, take 1 cup of table salt and pour down drain in tub. Add 1 cup of baking soda, then 1 cup of white vinegar. It will look like a science experiment. Now... go boil a pot of water. Pour over the whole shebang.

    You may need to do this a couple of times, the up side, is it freshens your drain out, and is non toxic. The salt, well it grinds away at all the glop living down the pipe!
    While your at it, do all the other drains in your house.
    MOM... because its always my job to be....

  2. Ahh, and I just had to add this one. That Cabbage Patch came via Switzerland b/c they were not available in the USA the year Cabbage Patch passed your lips. Ask you dad about that one.
